Health CoachesUnite the team with your gifts

Our tools put you in position to bring wellness to health care teams! Health coaching services will be billable in 2024, and you can provide other services, such as Annual Wellness Visits that are mandated in all health plans. Primary care physicians can use your help providing wellness solutions. Revenues from these visits can turn your services into big profits for a PCP. Seize this opportunity to join the team!

Coaches, nutritionists, exercise physiologists, stress-management counselors, social workers - you all know that a huge number of people need to benefit from your expertise and guidance.  

Are you getting your chance as the go-to resource you trained to be? Or do you spend time sitting on the sidelines thinking:

Put me in!!

One shortcoming with America’s health care teams is that they rarely call a play that capitalizes on the gifts you bring to the team, even though 85% of health care problems are more squarely in your area of expertise.

But you can make up your own “special teams” unit, and sell your services to health care networks. Head up your own lifestyle medicine consult service with business models that you can sell to physicians and health networks.

 Provide wellness services for primary care physicians:

Contract with local employers to provide wellness services:

  • Deliver services through the employee’s wellness or primary care clinic, as above
  • You and your team provide it locally, knowing the employee's community

We have the experience and web tools to help you get started, coordinating and selling your services to your local health care networks. 

Contact us and we’ll set you up with a 60-day free trial. You’ll be glad you did!