
Gait Speed and Dysmobility - a Vital Sign or Sign of Vitality?

This week, I welcome as co-authors three colleagues and dear friends who have worked with me on all 4 editions of the American College of Sports Medicine's textbook - ACSM's Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Disease and...

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Disparities in Health Care: Accountable Care, Quality Reporting and Engagement

In this week's issue of JAMA, Jha and Zaslavsky discuss the issue on outcome quality reporting on physicians and health care networks, concerning the problem that lower...

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Modifiable Actual Risks for Cause of Death

Health Ecology as the Actual Cause of Chronic Disease and Mortality

A recent headline in the Times of London (England) stated, “One in Three Now at Risk as Diabetes Levels Soar”. One public health official quoted in the article said "If a doctor sits you down and says 'If you carry on they way you are...

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On Paths: Using Group Visits to Improve Health Ecology

In my last blog, we considered a lesson from my college calculus professor, that paths are more interesting than function graphs....

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On Lifestyle and Paths

From time-to-time, our blogs will discuss life’s paths, whether the discussion is about managing a health care practice or mentoring a patient. In today’s era of ‘big data’ it is common to graph associations and relationships that form health...

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Importance of the Physical Activity Vital Sign

Today, lets examine why it’s so important to incorporate the physical activity vital sign (PAVS), sometimes called exercise vital sign (EVS), in the patient’s medical record.

For those who are not familiar with the PAVS, it’s a product of...

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ACSM Annual Meeting in Orlando

Last week, the American College of Sports Medicine held it's annual meeting in Orlando, and it was a whiriwind of activity (as always). For at least 20 years, now, it's been far too large to take in by oneself. I first went to ACSM as a beginning...

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Using the SHQ - Tutorial

This slide show explains how to use the SHQ in your practice. It covers the basic operations, showing how to operationalize the SHQ in Annual Wellness Visits. The use in care management visits is similar process, the main difference being how the...

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Why Use the SHQ?

This short slide presentation explains how you can use the SHQ in your practice.

What is Workforce Health All About?

Workforce health programs have been part of the corporate landscape for decades. While initial efforts were largely focused on executive leadership with specific health risks, these programs have since evolved to include entire workforce...

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